Palmade case: a man indicted

The man was placed under judicial supervision as part of the investigation for possession of child pornography images targeting the comedian.

JLB with AFP

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I’investigation for possession of child pornography images targeting Pierre Palmade is progressing. A man was indicted on Saturday, February 25, and placed under judicial supervision, as part of the investigation for possession of child pornography images targeting the comedian. A little earlier in the day, a judicial investigation was opened of the heads of detention, dissemination of child pornography files and usual consultation of child pornography sites, following a preliminary investigation.

The investigation was opened on February 18 following the report of a relative of Pierre Palmade. The author of the report was heard on Sunday February 19 for quite a long time by the investigators of the Brigade for the Protection of Minors (BPM), seized of this investigation. The Parisian home of Pierre Palmade and his house located in Cély-en-Bière, in Seine-et-Marne, were searched on Sunday and Monday. Computer equipment was seized there.

In this context, two men were heard after a report made to the police. One was therefore indicted. And the second man “was released”, according to the prosecution.

The comedian could be heard

Then a second man was heard Tuesday as a witness. A source close to the case said that this man claimed to have a video showing Pierre Palmade viewing a child pornography video. According to another source, this witness lives in Bordeaux. He handed over video material to BPM investigators, the prosecution said. “Depending on the information collected, the hearing of Pierre Palmade could be considered,” added the prosecution, refusing to communicate on the state of health of the comedian.

READ ALSOFrom his successes to drama: the descent into hell of Pierre Palmade

After the serious road accident he caused on February 10 in Seine-et-Marne, under the influence of cocaine, the 54-year-old actor is indicted for homicide and involuntary injuries. The collision seriously injured three members of the same family: a 38-year-old man, his 6-year-old son and his 27-year-old pregnant sister-in-law, who lost the 6-month-old baby she was expecting.

On February 18, the judge of freedoms and detention had taken the decision to assign Pierre Palmade to residence in the addiction service of a hospital in the Paris region, under electronic bracelet. The Melun prosecution has appealed this decision and is requesting his placement in pre-trial detention. The Paris Court of Appeal will deliver its decision late Monday morning.READ ALSO Drugs, sex… When Pierre Palmade confided his setbacks to the authorities

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