Palworld even copied “shiny” Pokémon

Palworld takes up two concepts from Pokémon: capturing and collecting creatures. We even find ultra-rare Pals, like shiny Pokémon.

Many questions surround Palworld, the “Pokémon with weapons” that freaks everyone out. The first is obvious: is it really a copy of Pokémon? Yes and no. The developers openly take inspiration from creature design for Pals. They also take up certain concepts put forward in the cult saga, in particular the capture and collection of cute creatures. But these gameplay elements fit into a more overall formula, focused on survival.

Palworld allows itself to take up another idea popularized in Pokémon: shiny (or brilliant, or chromatic) creatures, which appeared in the second generation released in 1999 in Japan (Gold and Silver). As a reminder, players have a one in 8,192 chance of facing a shiny variant when encountering a Pokémon — a rare occurrence. In Palworldthere are also unusual Pals, which stand out on several points.

There are “shiny” Pals in Palworld

When we walk in the environments of Palworld, we come across lots of little creatures. The encounters are not random and you can choose to engage in combat or chart your route. But very quickly, you can come across strange Pals, which are much bigger than the others. This is not an optical effect: there are indeed ultra-rare creatures in Palworldwhich can be compared to shiny Pokémon in philosophy.

These meetings can also lead to some surprises, as evidenced by this clip published on Twitter on January 22. We see a player tackling the Pal with the image of a chicken. She or he was expecting a simple fight (chickens are really bad), but the creature’s response was unexpected: an attack that took the form of a super devastating ray. In Palworld“shiny” Pals are not only bigger, but they also have a special skill.

For further

Palworld // Source: Capture Xbox

Numerama can confirm their existence, after capturing a Pal called Teafant (a baby elephant). In the Paldex (the equivalent of the Pokédex), his special status is symbolized by small stars displayed on his portrait. As our captures show, it has the “Draconic Breath” attack, which is normally not linked to its type (water) and which is very powerful (proof with the chicken). We can also see that it is really very, very big on the screen (the front page image of this article). Be careful if you want to capture one, because it can really knock you down in seconds.

Palworld // Source: ScreenshotPalworld // Source: Screenshot

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