Panda babies in Kronberg: their first appearance was so cute

Animal offspring
First appearance of the Pandabays in Kronberg

The first appearance is quite a balancing act for the little panda babies.


The two red panda babies were born in June, but have so far been protected from the public by their parents in the litter cave. Now they have shown themselves for the first time.

The two little panda girls are really curious what the world looks like outside of their cave. They bravely explore their enclosure and get to know their home in a completely new way. In front of the cameras of an RTL team, they take their first clumsy steps; In addition to the first attempts at balancing, they also go in search of food. After being suckled by their mother Mai-Ling for around three months, they now mainly eat bamboo and fruits.

Animal offspring – so cute was the first appearance of the panda babies

The red pandas originally live in mountain forests in the Himalayas at an altitude between 1,800 and 4,000 meters above sea level. There they are, however, becoming increasingly rare and are now also considered an endangered species. In Kronberg, people are all the more delighted with the cute offspring. You can watch the first clumsy steps of the two little babies in the video.

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