Parallels on Disney + is it the French Stranger Things? The actors respond!

As soon as its first trailer was released, the new French series from Disney+, Parallèles, was compared to Stranger Things. The actors revealed to us what they thought of this rapprochement.

A group of young teenagers, fantasy, a small town, it was enough for Parallèles, available on Disney+ since Wednesday, to be compared to the American Stranger Things, whose fourth season will start on Netflix on May 27. .

AlloCiné asked four actors from Parallèles what they thought of this analogy but also that made with Dark, a German Netflix series dealing, like the Disney+ show, with parallel dimensions!

Did Guillaume Labbé (Lieutenant Retz), Naidra Ayadi (Sofia), Omar Mebrouk (Adult Bilal) and Thomas Chomel (Samuel) see these very popular shows? Their answers:

Guillaume Labbe: I’ve seen Stranger Things and yes, the comparison is obvious. It’s teenagers, it’s fantasy, so I understand the comparison. After that, it has nothing to do. Finally, there are bound to be themes that intersect, but it’s very different all the same.

Omar Mebrouk: I saw them and liked them very much, either one or the other. In terms of comparison, I have my reservations because as Quoc explained [Dang Tran, le créateur de la série, ndlr], he really tried to develop a French series but which mixes genres a little bit. We are on the fantastic but which is a little broader. In this spectrum, we allow ourselves a lot of things, which we do not find in these two series.


The heroes of Stranger Things on Netflix.

Thomas Chomel: I’ve seen Stranger Things, I haven’t seen Dark. (…) I understand why people can say that, but it’s completely different. In Parallèles, we are more interested in the characters I find (…). We go much more into the psychology of the characters and how each will live the events and we are interested in what they feel, what they think a little more than in certain series.

Naidra Ayadi: I’ve seen one of the two, I’ve seen Stranger Things. From what I’ve been told about Dark, yes I understand the comparisons but Parallèles brings a different dimension. Already, it is much less dark or violent and I find that it is much more sunny. (…) [Parallèles] shakes up the characters a lot but really in their intimacy, in their person, in their individual questioning.

The trailer for the next season of Stranger Things:

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