Parenting: 3 sentences that fathers would secretly like to hear from their children

3 sentences that fathers would secretly like to hear from their children

Fathers don’t always have reason to celebrate – in the video you can see which sentences make them particularly happy.

These three sentences make dads happy – because they are a symptom that their children are developing well.

Parents don’t always get a lot of recognition from their own children, even though they accomplish more every day than their offspring realizes. But these sentences are not just about compliments to fathers that they would be happy about, but about a much deeper foundation of trust that is expressed through them.

Parenting: Fathers are happy about these sentences

Because when children say one of the sentences from the video one day, it means that something very fundamental is going damn well between father and child – and that is a reason for joy. In the video you can see which sentences are an expression of an all-round good relationship between child and dad – and of course also between child and mom when they are said to their mother.


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