Parenting: 3 things French parents do very differently than us

French upbringing
3 things that French parents do differently than us when it comes to parenting

French education – between “s’il vous plaît” and “merci”.


When it comes to education, France is often seen as a wonderland – rightly so? In fact, there are some differences in how children are raised in our neighboring country.

When strolling through Paris, visitors often notice one thing immediately: children of all ages greet politely, hold the doors open and mostly behave suspiciously well behaved. In general, French parents are viewed by many people as role models for their upbringing. But what makes their approach so special?

French upbringing: These differences exist in comparison to Germany

Of course, these differences do not apply to all German or all French families. However, fundamental differences in the way children grow up can be found across national borders. You can see why this is and what effects it can have in the video.

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