Parenting mistakes: 3 wrong decisions that happen to almost all parents

parenting mistakes
3 parenting mistakes that almost every parent makes

These three parenting mistakes are easy to make, but fortunately easy to avoid.

Even parents are not always perfect and sometimes spontaneously do not make the best decision – these three parenting mistakes are particularly common.

Of course, parents only want the best for their children and therefore only set the highest standards for themselves. But let’s be honest: Nobody is completely perfect, and probably all parents have made an announcement in a stressful situation that they might have preferred to have dealt with differently in hindsight.

Raising children: Almost all parents know these 3 parenting mistakes

Is that bad? No, of course not, especially if you reflect on the decision afterwards and reclassify it. In the video we show you three typical parenting mistakes that have certainly happened to many parents – and tell you what you can do about them in the future.

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