Parents say: “That’s when I knew that I didn’t want any more children”

Parents tell
“At that moment I knew that I didn’t want any more children”

One child or several siblings? Parents often make this decision differently than originally planned


Only child instead of extended family: In the video, parents tell the most diverse reasons why they decided against having more children.

Many couples want a future together with many children – and realize after the first baby that they may not be the right people for life with an extended family after all. After all, children turn their parents’ lives upside down to such an extent that many plans suddenly have to change, including the number of babies planned. Fortunately, parents can quickly see which family size is best for everyone. On the US portal “Fatherly”, various mothers and fathers told at which point it was clear to them that their family should not grow any further. The reasons cover the full spectrum from “funny”, “surprising” to “tragic”.

“We just knew: that was it!”

“On the way home from the birth of our son, we both felt such a calm, thoroughly peaceful mood within us. Maybe it was our exhaustion, but that feeling of just being complete was so strong that we just We didn’t discuss it right away then, but when we were talking about more children a few days later, we found that we’d felt the same thing in the situation, and then we left it at that, satisfied with ours to be a complete family. ”

Robert, 35

“I hated being pregnant”

So many women rave about the “shine” of pregnancy and that it was the happiest time of their lives. Not me. I really hated everything about my pregnancy. I gained so much. I sweat. I had gas. I always had to go to the bathroom. My hormones were going crazy. Those nine months were an experience I will never want to repeat. Was it worth it? Naturally! My daughter is our purpose in life! But she’ll get along without a brother or sister. ”

Lyn, Dec.

“Our son couldn’t sleep”

We actually wanted to have three children. But our second son was unable to sleep through the night due to health problems, and that for two years. It was really tough for my wife and me. We both had to work and take care of our other child. This mixture of concern for our son’s health and two years of almost complete sleep deprivation made us change our plans. We decided to concentrate our energies entirely on our two boys. ”

David, 36

Tantrums and wanderlust

The reasons for deciding against having more children are numerous – in the video above you can see more parents’ confessions why they didn’t want to have more babies.
