Paris: a man tried for several sexual assaults on minors on line 6 of the metro

The individual, aged 59, is accused of assaulting three young people between the ages of 11 and 15 on line 6. Child pornography videos were discovered at his home.

I will not do it again“, he assured. A 59-year-old man is appearing this Friday afternoon before the Paris Criminal Court for the sexual assault of several minors in the Paris metro. He faces ten years in prison.

Slapped by a witness

The defendant is accused of having cracked down on line 6 of the metro this fall. On October 11, a woman called the RATP emergency number to report that a user “just unzipped an 11-year-old boy’s fly before sexually assaulting him“, Reports a source close to the file to the Parisian . The agents analyze the CCTV cameras and identify the individual, in a suit, who uses his briefcase to conceal the attack. Thanks to the Navigo pass, they find the name of the victim and the parents file a complaint.

Still using video surveillance images, the agents follow the trail of the alleged attacker who frequents “dailyline 6 to return to work. The individual is a technician in a large television channel. On October 19, RATP agents spotted him around 9 a.m. at his usual station and then started spinning. He then attacks a 15-year-old girl, to whom he caresses her buttocks and thighs, then touches the buttocks of a 15-year-old boy. A user who witnessed the facts then slapped him. Agents from the Brigade for the Fight against Breaches of Transport Security (Blast) intervene immediately and place the man in custody.

Child pornography videos

His accommodation was also searched and child pornography content was discovered on a hard drive stored in his cellar, namely videos of the rape of minors aged around ten. always according to The Parisian he would have connected to sites that prostitute minors, but this element is part of a second ongoing investigation with the minors protection brigade.

The man was summoned to the criminal court on October 24, but the president ultimately chose to postpone the trial to date. During this first hearing, the fifties, who admitted the facts, made a link between his acting out and the violence suffered during childhood by his stepfather. The individual, followed by a therapist to treat depression, has no wife or child. “I am fully aware of the seriousness of what I have done“, he said. His lawyer, Me Laëtitia Musso, guaranteed that he had “want to get treatment“.

SEE ALSO – Access of minors to pornography: why it is impossible to control the age of users

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