Paris: an investigation opened after the suicide of an 11-year-old schoolgirl

On January 13, Noëla, an 11-year-old schoolgirl, was found hanged at her home in the 20th arrondissement of Paris.

The body of the young girl, educated in 6th grade at the Henri-Matisse college located in the same arrondissement, was discovered by her little sister Yvana, aged 5.

The latter found Noëla forty minutes after the tragedy, hanged with her judo belt. Emergency services were unable to revive the child.

An investigation for “search for the causes of death” was opened and entrusted to the local police station. According to a source close to the investigations at Le Parisien, “the school situation of the child” would be at the center of the questions.

“His place is in a specialized psychiatric center”

On January 13, Valeicle, Noëla’s mother, was summoned by the principal of the establishment. It was reported to her that her daughter threatened to kill her history and geography teacher. An accusation refuted by Noëla.

Beyond this incident, the principal would have listed “all the nonsense of Noëla”, until giving her mother a letter summoning her daughter to a disciplinary council on January 24.

According to the forties, the principal would have declared that the place of Noëla was “not at school, but in a specialized psychiatric center”.

Words deemed intolerable by Valeicle. “He shouldn’t have said those words in front of Noela. I could have taken it, me, not her”.

The family ‘demands justice’

Informed of the suffering of the young pre-adolescent girl by some of her comrades, the family “demands justice”. “College pushed her to suicide. I will fight until the end to have it recognized, ”warned Valeicle.

For the moment, neither the rectorate of Paris, nor the entourage of the Minister of Education Jean-Michel Blanquer wished to express themselves on the facts.

Noëla’s relatives will organize a white march on Wednesday, January 19, at 11 a.m. in front of the college.

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