Paris and Rome strengthen their cooperation in the fight against illegal immigration


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PARIS (Reuters) – France and Italy signed a declaration of intent on Friday with a view to creating a cooperation unit “enabling the exchange of operational intelligence on migrant smuggling”, announced the French ministry of Interior in a press release.

The French Minister of the Interior, Bruno Retailleau, and his Italian counterpart, Matteo Piantedosi, signed the document on the sidelines of the meeting of G7 Interior Ministers, in Mirabella Eclano (Italy).

The implementation of this new body, based on the model of the Franco-British unit which has operated in the north of France since 2020, will be effective in January 2025, the press release specifies. It will be located in Ventimiglia, a town located on the French-Italian border.

The Franco-Italian unit will aim in particular to trigger legal investigations, joint or not, with a view to dismantling illegal immigration networks via Italy to other countries of the European Union.

(Written by Sophie Louet, edited by Jean-Stéphane Brosse)


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