Paris City Hall wants to favor “working-class neighborhoods” for the opening ceremony

On Monday, May 27, Paris City Hall presented the distribution of the contingent of free places it has for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games (OG). With a priority: “working-class neighborhoods and people who participate in the successful organization of the Games”, insisted, during a press point, Emmanuel Grégoire and Pierre Rabadan, respectively first deputy and deputy in charge of sport and the Games.

The host city of the event therefore intends to distribute its 55,000 tickets for the parade on the Seine as a priority to disadvantaged Parisians who do not have the chance to go on vacation in the summer, to the youngest, to members of Parisian sports movements. , to city officials (2,800 will be drawn at random from among the 55,000 municipal officials) or to merchants living along the banks of the Seine affected by the ceremony. Different audiences according to a decreasing proportion which remains to be determined.

From June 10, the people concerned will receive an email informing them that they have been selected, that they can invite up to three people and that they have four days to respond favorably using a code. access on the dedicated Paris 2024 platform. A second wave of invitations will be sent on June 20, then a third at the beginning of July. To avoid the practice of “no show” – the fact of not showing up – on D-day, the Parisian executive assumes responsibility for up to 30% of overbooking in its invitation procedure.

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People receiving a ticket will be screened by the Ministry of the Interior and must, on July 26, be able to prove their identity. “The rules will be strictly enforced”, warns Emmanuel Grégoire. Anne Hidalgo’s first deputy recalls that the security system for the opening ceremony, also “exceptional” whatever it is, is not unknown to the various public authorities involved. “We know how to do it”brush aside the two elected officials, citing the million people “filtered” on the Champs-Elysées on July 14 or during the New Year.

Some tensions at the end of March

Up to 328,000 people are currently expected to attend the show and the nautical parade of the delegations from the quays of the Seine. Some 220,000 free places – on the high platforms – will be distributed to the various players in the Paris Games, according to the following distribution: around 140,000 for the organizers of the ceremony (Games Organizing Committee, State and Paris City Hall), 75,000 for the communities involved in the Olympic Games and nearly 10,000 for the French National Olympic and Sports Committee (CNOSF) and the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF).

Paris City Hall – in addition to 35,000 places (out of the 140,000 in total) allocated to each of the three organizers – had obtained 25,000 additional tickets when Seine-Saint-Denis and the Ile-de-France region each requested more than 20,000, or 10% of the total volume. This did not fail to cause some tension at the end of March between the different communities mentioned.

All this is forgotten today according to Pierre Rabadan, who explains the reduction of 5,000 tickets for Paris by the “duplicate invitations” and above all by the fact that the Town Hall has since transferred 3,000 tickets to the department of Seine-Saint-Denis, which ultimately inherited 28,000 places for July 26.

Read also | Paris 2024: the municipalities of Seine-Saint-Denis will benefit from 28,000 free places for the opening ceremony

The former Stade Français rugby player also specifies that the invitations to the opening ceremony – for which the Town Hall spent 10 million euros for public reception arrangements – come “in addition to social ticketing” for the Olympic and Paralympic events.

Trial lacking transparency

A lawsuit for lack of transparency was brought against the Parisian executive regarding the distribution of this social ticketing. The opposition group Changer Paris denounced in a letter dated May 15 “the vagueness that reigns over the terms of distribution of the 50,000 tickets acquired by the City of Paris to attend the Olympic and Paralympic Games”. Catherine Dumas, the president of the group, concluded the letter with an injunction: “The distribution of these places, purchased largely with Parisian taxpayer money, must be transparent. »


“Paris 2024”

“Le Monde” deciphers the news and the challenges of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games.


Pierre Rabadan brought a clarification on May 23, during the Paris Council. According to the elected official, three priority audiences will also benefit from it: “Parisian youth and people in precarious situations” (for 46% of tickets), “the Parisian sports movement” (18%), and 28% of tickets will reward “those who participate in the successful organization of the Games”.

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