Paris garbage collectors threaten to strike

The image remains in the heads of many Parisians: during the social movement against pension reform in spring 2023, the strike of some of the 7,500 agents of the cleanliness and water department of the City of Paris resulted in a pile of waste in certain districts. While fifteen million visitors are expected for the Olympic Games, the waste treatment, cleaning, water, sewer, sanitation (FTDNEEA) sector of the CGT has chosen to play this card again, by filing a strike notice on part of the month of May (the 14th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd and 24th), then the 1ster July to September 8. “It doesn’t make us happy to do it, of course we want to show a clean Paris to the whole world, but it’s a strategic calculation, because the negotiations are at a standstill”admits Smina Mebtouche, general secretary of the CGT-FTDNEEA.

The union, in the majority among garbage collectors, sewer workers and other dumpster drivers, is demanding in particular a bonus of 1,900 euros for all agents directly or indirectly affected by the Olympics, arguing that the quantities of waste will increase everywhere in the capital this summer. . In April, the town hall announced that its teams would receive bonuses of between 600 and 1,900 euros “depending on the intensification of the workload and mobilization over the period covering the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games”. The CGT is also demanding an increase in the duties, constraints and expertise allowance (IFSE) – variable depending on the position, it constitutes a significant part of the monthly remuneration of agents – of 400 euros per month for all staff.

Among the garbage collectors of Marseille, the CGT also demands an increase in the IFSE, and the harmonization of its amount between the agents of the metropolis, while protesting against a reorganization of the waste collection system. The union had thus filed an unlimited strike notice one month before the arrival of the Olympic flame, on May 8.

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Due to a lack of response from the metropolis, some of the agents stopped working, especially in the fourth and fifth arrondissements of the city, between April 29 and May 7. According to the CGT, which intends to sue the metropolis for obstructing the strike, there were up to 70% of strikers among the thousand garbage collectors in Marseille, when the metropolis counted one. ” quarantine “. “The goal was to make a splash. But the demands of the CGT are unrealistic, they would like to work one hour less per day with 300 euros more”assures a representative of Aix-Marseille Métropole.

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