Parliamentary decisions overturned: Bosnia representative intervenes

Parliament decisions overturned
Bosnia representative intervenes

The Dayton Peace Agreement ended the Bosnian War in 1995. The High Representative of the international community for Bosnia and Herzegovina intervenes in Sarajevo as he sees violations of the rules.

The representative of the international community for Bosnia-Herzegovina, the German Christian Smith, overturned two parliamentary decisions in the Serbian-majority region that violated the Dayton Agreement to end the Bosnian war. The recent decisions of the parliament of the Republic of Srpska are a clear violation of the constitutional order of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the Dayton Agreement, Schmidt said on Saturday in Sarajevo.

The members of the Bosnian Serb parliament voted on Tuesday to no longer recognize the decisions of the country’s constitutional court. A week ago, parliament also passed a law intended to circumvent decisions made by Bosnian representative Schmidt. The High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, who will implement the civilian aspects of the peace settlement monitored, has extensive powers. For example, he can dismiss officials or enact laws.

The US Embassy in Sarajevo said on Saturday that the US supports the sovereignty, territorial integrity and multi-ethnic nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina. “Individuals” who campaigned against the Dayton Agreement would be “held accountable for their actions”. British Ambassador Julian Reilly said the recent moves by the Republic of Srpska posed a threat to the country’s stability.

Bosnia-Herzegovina is divided into the Republic of Srpska, inhabited predominantly by Bosnian Serbs, and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which the majority Muslim Bosnians and Croats live. Both parts of the country are linked by a weak central government. The Bosnian Serb leader Milorad Dodik has been pushing for secession efforts in the Republic of Srpska for a long time. Russia is accused of supporting these efforts.

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