“Parties at the hospital”, Anouchka reveals that her 4-year-old son is ill, hence his absence at Christmas

This Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Anouchka Delon spoke at length about the Delon clan and the legal battle between her and her brothers in the columns of our colleagues at Elle. The opportunity to discuss the reason for the absence of her 4-year-old son in the family photos, with whom she had to spend “the holidays in the hospital” due to his illness.

Unexpected revelations. While she is at the heart of a legal battle which has pitted her against her brothers for several months, Anouchka Delon is also waging a war on another front, just as important. Upset by the way the Delon clan is torn apart and the tensions that arise between her and her brothers, Anthony and Alain-Fabien Delon, the actress must face both medical and family concerns.

This Wednesday, February 21, 2024, Anouchka Delon spoke at length in the columns of Elle magazine, where she returns to the family tensions which oppose her to her brothers. If the 33-year-old actress indicates that she no longer wants to let this happen and organize her defense, she also expressed her desire to put an end to this affair while she must face another family problem: the illness of her son, Lino, 4 years old. In September 2023, when the Delon affair made the headlines following the legal actions taken by Anthony Delon, Anouchka Delon learned that her little boy had kidney disease.

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Anouchka Delon: “I never take her to Douchy”

So when her brothers decided to spend Christmas Eve in Douchy, alongside Alain Delon, Anouchka Delon preferred to stay in Geneva, where she lives with her partner Julien Dereims and their son, Lino. It is unlikely that the little boy will meet the family home of the Delon clan located in Loiret. “I never take him to Douchy. I don’t want him to experience this atmosphere, these people who stabbed me in the back”confides Anouchka Delon in the columns of our colleagues at Elle before specifying: “A child is a sponge”.

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So during the end-of-year holidays, it was with her son that the daughter of Cheetah preferred to meet again. “That’s why I wasn’t in the Christmas photo. I spent the holidays in the hospital with my son. And everyone knew it”, she continues. A difficult situation for the mother who says she wants to put an end to these family tensions which have an impact on her daily life and her security. “People tried to enter my house. I don’t sleep anymore, I don’t eat anymore, I want it to stop”explains the one who is now constantly followed by a bodyguard.

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Anouchka Delon: “We are compared to Hallyday”

And to deplore: “We are compared to Hallyday. They, at least, had the decency to wait until their father and husband had left to tear themselves apart.”

A journalist passionate about social issues and current affairs, Hugo puts his pen at the service of information. Interested in all themes, from the impact of artificial intelligence on…

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