Partner talk: 12 surprising questions for your sweetheart

partner talk
12 surprising questions to ask your partner

© Carlo Prearo / Shutterstock

Do you already know everything about your partner? For real? Twelve questions that will strengthen you as a couple and bring you closer together.


What are you most proud of, what we have achieved together?


Why did you fall in love with me then?


Is there something you miss in our relationship?


What do you wish from me?


What do you think about when you can’t sleep?


What is your biggest fear regarding our relationship?


What trait about me bothers you the most? How do we find peace with that?


What would you never forgive me for?


What would you like to try during sex?


What can we do differently to break the routine?


In which moments are you particularly happy with me?


What statements do you not want to hear in an argument?


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