Pascal Praud and you – Opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup: “I hope they will do something else for the Olympics…” whispers a listener

Gauthier Delomez

The opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup, directed by Jean Dujardin, never ceases to provoke reactions. In the show “Pascal Praud et vous”, every day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Christine, listener of Europe 1, says she hopes that the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games will be completely different. Listen to the excerpt again. You can react at

Is the opening ceremony of the Rugby World Cup last Friday at the Stade de France a foretaste of what awaits spectators and television viewers next July, on the occasion of the opening of the Olympic Games in Paris ? While the show created by Jean Dujardin is singled out by certain elected officials, Christine, listener of the show Pascal Praud and you, claims not to have appreciated this “messy” show. “I hope they will do something else for the Olympics…”, she adds to Pascal Praud’s microphone on Europe 1.

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