Patrick Besson – Interviewed comments

Ito death, what a failure.

Noses, after years of masking, will they be more aquiline?

Did Eric Zemmour celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Fortunately, there are French people who don’t read any books.

After the weight of Coplan (88 kilos), reach that of Djokovic (78 kilos), then that of Matzneff (68 kilos).

The glasses of water are tired from the storms.

With the 30 denarii, I would have eaten alone in a big restaurant in Jerusalem.

My motto since childhood: “no work, no family, no homeland”.

The Dominating Evil (novel).

You should be able to watch The messenger (Joseph Losey, 1971) without music by Michel Legrand.

Three marriages: the number of tries allowed in the pole vault.

From the top of his 370 and place in the ATP ranking, Antoine Benneteau (tennis lovers dictionaryPlon…

KARIM SAHIB/AFP – illustration: dusault for “the point”

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