Pauline (Married at first sight) operated in emergency: new revelations about her genital infection

With her husband Damien, Paulina chained the misadventures during the filming of Married at first sight 2022 (M6). After the wedding, for example, the car that took them to the shoot broke down. Or they missed their connection for their honeymoon. And, shortly after their union, the liberal nurse had to undergo an operation. A painful moment to which she returned to an Instagram story, July 11, 2022.

Fifteen days after the wedding, Pauline went to the pool table for bartholinitis, a lower genital infection in the Bartholin gland (round and very small glands located in the vulva). A subject she revealed during a live Instagram and on which she was again questioned on the evening of July 11, during a question and answer session. A surfer wanted to know if he had had his Bartholin gland removed. “They didn’t remove my Bartholin’s gland. They just widened the duct so that the Bartholin’s gland could drain because the duct was blocked.“, first confided the young woman of 33 years.

Pauline then recalled how much she had suffered at the time: “For those who have already had a bartholonite, I think you have already gone up to the ceiling like me, because it hurts a lot. It’s not a life-threatening emergency, but it’s a pain emergency. And I know thatt two years ago, I had an inflammatory flare-up. So my obstetrician-gynecologist had done a puncture in the office and told me that if one day I had a bartholinitis, I couldn’t come to the office and that I would go up to the ceiling. This is exactly what happened this winter. It was a very very very painful moment.

When she revealed that she had suffered from a genital infection, Pauline explained that she thought she would die that day as the pain was unbearable. Fortunately, she was able to count on her husband Damien to support her in this ordeal. A man who is still by her side today. The couple bought their dream house and want to start their family.

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