Pay attention to this WhatsApp message from, it’s a big scam!

A WhatsApp message from Booking is currently circulating on the famous instant messaging service. The contact located in a foreign country encourages its potential victims to accept a paid daily task and press a suspicious button.

Credits: 123rf

In recent days, customers of the Booking platform have become the target of hackers who do not hesitate to find new tricks to trap their next victims. This time, some of them were able to receive a WhatsApp message from the famous online booking site.

Also read – Prime Video: be careful of this subscription renewal email, it’s a scam

In this suspicious message, we can read in particular this: We are looking for people to work on our mobile hotel attraction booking platform ( to help hotels increase views, bookings and awarenessThe message in question states that it is possible to earn up to 300 euros per task completed.

WhatsApp Booking scamWhatsApp Booking scam
Credits: Phonandroid

A fraudulent message on WhatsApp invites you to press a suspicious button, be careful

If, on first reading, the beginning of the message does not appear to contain any spelling errors, the content of the latter can alert you to the presence of the suspicious “Send a message to the company” button (located at the bottom of the discussion) and especially the origin of the recipient. On the mobile version of the application, WhatsApp informs its users about the origin of the individual.

In the screenshot above, the messaging service indicates that the person who sent the message is named Erin and that the telephone code +62 corresponds to Indonesia. As you will have understood, this is indeed a phishing attempt and therefore a scam.

To avoid being trapped by suspicious contacts, be aware that they may also ask you to provide them with personal information or ask you for money. Things about WhatsApp will help you determine how to respond to this contact. You will have the option to reply to him, add him to your contacts, block him or report him. Finally, consider using settings to control the privacy of your account.

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