Payday 3 open beta will start on September 8

In anticipation of the release of Payday 3 on September 21, Deep Silver and Starbreeze are offering an open beta of their title from September 8 to 11, 2023. The goal is clearly to test the limits of the game’s servers.

This open beta weekend will feature the same content as the August 2023 closed beta. Players will be able to reunite with the original gang of Dallas, Hoxton, Chains, and Wolf. Each member of the quartet will be playable with each of their own abilities.

The beta will offer to perform No rest for the wicked. A classic heist that will ask players to steal money from a bank vault. It remains to choose between the discreet infiltration option or the robbery that makes noise.

Finally, all difficulty modes will be playable, the maximum level will thus be set at Infamy level 22 and the level of weapon progression will go up to 8. Note that the open beta is based on a version of the game dating from last April and therefore does not represent the final version of Payday 3.

The masked quartet will make its full return on September 21, 2023 on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series. And as often now, the title will be available day one for Game Pass subscribers.

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