Payday 3 shows gameplay and it looks crazy!

Payday 3 is coming very soon and he is also taking advantage of Gamescom to show himself and share some gameplay with us. It looks extremely nervous.

The Starbreeze studio has come a long way, despite the enormous popularity of Payday 2 the studio tripped over the carpet and came close to bankruptcy. Narrowly saved, the developers did not let themselves down and went straight to Payday 3. Now the game is ready, and it will be released as soon as September 21 on PC and consoles. In the meantime, he shows us a little gameplay and it sends.

Payday 3 blows everything up on video and it promises!

Make high-flying heists by cooperating with his friends. This is what Payday 3 offers. As in the predecessors, it will be a question of making a name for yourself in town by stealing everything that can be. Bank, jewelry store, conveyor or even naughty mafia receivers, all shots are allowed. The game will once again offer its system of perks to equip and role to play to put a little RPG in all this action.

And there will be action. The trailer unveiled at Gamescom also puts the emphasis on it. Payday 3 promises to be very nervous and the gunfights may quickly degenerate depending on the way you play. If things get out of hand, you’ll have to fight your way through the police or the guardians of the places you’re trying to loot. This is where the impressive arsenal that will be offered to you comes into play. Shotgun, pistol, assault rifle… there will obviously be something for everyone. But hey, the ideal is still to play it discreet just to amass as much loot as possible before leaving.

Before its release at the end of September, Payday 3 will let itself approach the time of a beta phase. The opportunity to get your hands on the gameplay and its game mechanics.

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