Peanut Caramel Gingerbread Cubes |




  1. For the dough

  2. Bring honey, sugar and butter to the boil in a pot. Transfer to a mixing bowl and allow to cool completely. Mix flour, baking powder, gingerbread spice and cocoa. Knead the honey mixture, flour mixture, egg yolk, egg and milk using the dough hook of the hand mixer to form a smooth dough.

  3. Line the baking frame (30 x 20 cm) with baking paper. Spread the dough evenly in the mold to form a base approx. 5 mm thick and press it down. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees (fan oven 160 degrees) on the lowest rack for 10 minutes.

  4. For the caramel

  5. Bring the cream to the boil in a pot. Remove from heat. In a second pot, boil the sugar and 30 ml of water over medium heat (to 160 degrees) to form a golden yellow sugar syrup, remove from the heat and carefully stir the warm cream into the syrup. Add butter and stir with a whisk until smooth.

  6. Spread the caramel mixture on the gingerbread base in the baking frame. Scatter peanuts on top, let cool slightly, then freeze for 2 hours.

  7. Remove the peanut caramel gingerbread from the frame, straighten the edge and cut the pastry into 60 squares (3 x 3 cm).

  8. For decoration

  9. Chop the couverture, melt it over a water bath and stir in coconut oil. Using a fork, dip the top of the gingerbread cubes into the chocolate coating, sprinkle with sea salt flakes and let dry.

Commodity knowledge

Store in the fridge in an airtight container with greaseproof paper between the layers for approx. 2-3 weeks.

This recipe appeared in the Cookie Extra in issue 23/2023.

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