Pediatrician considers health protocol imposed in schools ineffective

A pediatrician at the Lausanne hospital, previously head of pediatrics at Pontarlier hospital, believes that the measures taken by the government concerning children are ineffective. According to him, the opinion of the medical profession is not sufficiently taken into account.

While the National Education is motivated by its convictions and its new health protocol – which consists in requiring the wearing of a mask from the age of 6, and distance learning every other week in high school – more and more doctors do not hide their disapproval.

Jean-Yves Pauchard, former head of pediatrics at Pontarlier hospital and practicing for ten years at the Lausanne hospital, believes that the government's decisions are counterproductive.

Wearing a mask

Regarding the wearing of the compulsory mask from the age of 6, the doctor does not understand the point. For Jean-Yves Pauchard, wearing a mask below the age of 10 is not useful. He explains: "Since the start of the school year, it has been established that establishments are not a major source of contamination […] Carrier children contaminate themselves very little, very little towards adults. The rates are low or even zero. Traditional sanitary measures are sufficient”.

Again, opinions are completely divergent. We could almost get lost.

Distance learning courses

According to the pediatrician, distance education every other week for high school students would be an incomprehensible idea. The welfare of the children would not be taken into account. According to him, “there is no indication of effectiveness”Regarding this decision.

He also puts his fingers on the fact that young people easily drop out from a distance. Indeed, it should not be forgotten that some do not necessarily have the means to obtain the necessary computer equipment. For others, the family environment can be a problem. “Distance courses only work for a while, young people give up at some point", he says. Doctor Pauchard even speaks of consequences"harmful”.

The pediatrician does not let go and continues to plead the case, with specific examples: "We have scientific data, particularly from Germany. And the clusters are found in the family, private, work … The interests of the children should prevail, the long-term impact of these measures worries me”.

He explains the decisions of the French government by “the realm of the irrational, it is fear that dictates these choices, more so than scientific data”. Jean-Yves Pauchard complains in particular of the fact that the scientific medical profession is not sufficiently listened to.

Unconditional love for cinema, writing and lemon, I let my pen and my somewhat rebellious soul express my thoughts with the most valiant honesty. First a student …