Pediatrics: “We are determined that the situation improves”, insists Olivier Véran

European 1
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12:23 p.m., October 23, 2022

Invited this Sunday morning in the Grand rendez-vous d’Europe 1 / Les Échos / CNews, Olivier Véran was asked about the difficulties affecting pediatric services, faced with an epidemic of bronchiolitis. While Emmanuel Macron was alerted by 4,000 pediatricians in an open letter, Olivier Véran underlined that the president “learned about this arrest and asked the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health for an action plan immediately can be put in place”.

Guest this Sunday morning of the Grand rendez-vous d’Europe 1/Les Échos/CNews, Olivier Véran was asked about the difficulties currently affecting pediatric services, saturated and confronted with numerous cases of bronchiolitis, this lung disease which affects infants. This week, 4,000 pediatricians challenged Emmanuel Macron in an open letter to ask for solutions to the difficulties affecting these services.

An “action plan” soon to be put in place, announces Olivier Véran

For the government spokesperson, the problem does not come from a lack of anticipation: “there are things that are totally anticipated and others that, even if they can be, we cannot create pediatricians in 4 or 5 years. When we arrived in 2017, we were sorely lacking in doctors. The training of a pediatrician takes 10 years”, he underlines. “We opened the floodgates to train massively but we cannot shorten the training of a pediatrician to 5 years.”

“Emmanuel Macron took note of this arrest and asked the Prime Minister and the Minister of Health so that an immediate action plan could be put in place. Where necessary, the famous white plans are triggered to remind additional staff and have better cooperation in the territories”, announced the government spokesperson at the microphone of Europe 1 / Les Echos / CNews.

“We are determined to ensure that the situation improves and that we pass this epidemic episode but, in a few years, we will have more doctors who are going to settle than doctors who are leaving. We have reversed a harmful dynamic for our country which had lasted for 40 years so, in the meantime, we find all the solutions that are within our reach”, he concluded.

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