Pension reform, alternative to Livret A, stock market risk… The 5 unmissable news of the week

The pension reform in the launch phase, an alternative to the Livret A in a neobank, advice to avoid losses on the stock market Here is what you should not miss this week on MoneyVox.

Pension reform: kick-off imminent

Everything is in place, or almost, for the implementation of the pension reform adopted in pain last March. This week, the latest implementing decrees were published in the Official Journal. They concern in particular the rules governing the redemption of quarters, the validation of TUC and certain internships, as well as the 5% surcharge for mothers. So many compensation measures, intended to attenuate the effects of the increase in the age of departure for certain profiles of workers who are particularly affected.

Retirement: these strict conditions for receiving a survivor’s pension

An original alternative to Livret A

The announcement of a freeze on the Livret A and LDDS rates until 2025 did not break the historical momentum of the two regulated products: in July, they again recorded record inflows. Some banks, however, seek to offer their customers alternatives to these booklets which, in particular, have the defect of being capped. This is the case of Revolut. The British nobank, which does not (yet?) offer the Livret A to its 2.4 million French customers, this week unveiled its Flexible Account, a new product explicitly presented as an alternative. Be careful, however: if it shares some similarities with French regulated savings, it lacks an essential one: the capital guarantee. Explanations.

How do you avoid being one of the 9 out of 10 traders who lose money?

Stock market investing is booming. This is good news, no doubt, for the financing of the economy; less so for new traders, often young, the vast majority of whom lose money, often through lack of experience and prudence. This week, the editorial staff of MoneyVox thought about them, recalling the 5 golden rules for a successful first step on the stock market.

Online stock exchange: offers from brokers and banks

Invest in the Scholarship at the best price ! 8 offers compared

Rising healthcare costs in 2024?

Elizabeth Borne was short on the field at the bad buzz which was rising: no, the finance bill for 2024 will not include a tax increase for households. No increase in direct taxes, in any case … Because some contributions could still increase. This is the case of the deductible on drugs and paramedical care, as well as the flat-rate contribution, which could double. Explanations here.

Get back on track before the start of the school year

It feels like the end of the holidays! In a week, the students will return to class. It’s a period when expenses tend to pile up: school supplies, sports equipment, registration for activities… All the more reason to take advantage of the last days of vacation to take stock of the budget and anticipate any slippages. Our advices.

Back-to-school allowance: Why haven’t I received the ARS yet and how can I claim it?

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