Pension reform: Emmanuel Macron remains above the fray

Arthur de Laborde

While the intelligence services are expecting between 550,000 and 750,000 people on the streets all over France this Thursday in the face of pension reform, Emmanuel Macron remains in the background. For the moment, no question of making waves, the head of state has not spoken on pensions in public since his wishes of December 31.

On the eve of a mobilization which promises to be massive against the pension reform, the government is preparing to be on the front line. Emmanuel Macron opts for another strategy: to stay above the fray. This Thursday, the Head of State will be in Barcelona, ​​a trip planned for a long time in the presidential agenda.

Behind the scenes, the President of the Republic distills his firmness and suggests that he will not back down. Emmanuel Macron has not said a word about pensions in public since his December 31 vows. According to information from Europe 1, there is no question of breaking this silence in the days to come. No particular intervention is planned.

“We will have to walk on eggshells”

Emmanuel Macron lets his Prime Minister and his majority get their hands dirty and manage the public debate. “He focuses on the long term and the overall consistency of his presidency,” explains an adviser to the executive. “This posture in withdrawal will allow the head of state to intervene with more force if the crisis drags on”, analyzes a heavyweight of the macronie, who does not exclude a long social movement and major blockages for two month.

For Emmanuel Macron, the whole issue is to be enduring and to exercise maximum caution. “You will have to walk on eggshells, be able to keep your nerves over time, hold your tongue and avoid the slightest slippage that could ignite the powder”, sums up a minister.

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