Pension reform: the night of senators around the examination of the text

Alexandre Chauveau

On this new day of mobilization against the pension reform, the senators continue their discussions at the Luxembourg Palace. Last night, Gérard Larcher activated article 38 of the rules to speed up the vote on an amendment. Throwback to a hectic evening.

It is 1 a.m.: after 124 identical interventions by left-wing senators aimed at removing article 7 of the pension reform bill, Gérard Larcher activates article 38 of the regulations. This makes it possible to proceed to the vote on an amendment after only two speeches by the speakers: one for, the other against. A way for the right to short-circuit the alleged obstruction of the left, as explained by Bruno Retailleau. “You will refuse, since we are going to a snail train, to see and vote on the whole text”, launches Bruno Retailleau. “Obstruction is to Parliament what a desertion is to a soldier, the very negation of his mission.”

The senators leave the Hemicycle

The left denounces a coup and asks for a suspension of the session. But on returning to the hemicycle, a dramatic turn of events: the right tabled and passed a rewriting amendment to Article 7, which suddenly brought down 1,000 amendments. The left replies and refiles several hundred sub-amendments in the process, all ultimately deemed inadmissible.

What to make jump these senators who leave the hemicycle as a challenge. The hands of the watch are turning: 3:30. Gérard Larcher closes the meeting when there are only 75 amendments left to debate on article 7 of the pension reform.

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