Pension reform: “we risk breaking the social body”, says Laurent Berger

European 1

Invited to the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, returned to the retirement component of the finance bill presented on Monday by the government. The union leader denounces a current “deeply unequal” pension system.

Guest of the morning of Europe 1, Laurent Berger, secretary general of the CFDT, returned to the pension reform project carried by the government. He positions himself in particular for a vision of the “universal” pension system while considering that the current operation of pensions is “deeply unequal”. “We want to work for six months on the subject of retirement, employment and work,” he explained.

“The workers are in uncertainty”

He warns: “if the government passes in force (the pension reform project, editor’s note), there will be opposition which will be frontal, on the part of the trade union organizations and in particular the CFDT”. He also fears the establishment of a deleterious climate: “at a time when there are profound uncertainties linked to inflation and the rise in energy prices, we are going to put a whole bunch of people in a situation of discontent with grave consequences”.

For the secretary general of the CFDT, the pension reform carried out by the government “risks breaking the social body”. “Workers are in limbo,” he also said.

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