Pensioners, firecracker ban, warning day: These are the changes in December 2022

Since December there have been changes and new laws that will come into force at the end of the year. Some bring financial relief, which is welcome in times of rising living costs and the energy crisis. Pensioners receive an energy flat rate and gas customers receive a one-time subsidy. We offer you an overview of all new laws, changes and deadlines for December 2022 here:

Adoption of the gas and district heating discount in December

There has been a lot of discussion in the Bundestag in recent weeks about relieving gas customers. Ultimately, it was decided to provide emergency aid for private customers and small businesses that purchase gas or district heating.

In concrete terms, this regulation means that the state will pay the down payment once in December.

If the provider usually collects the discount, customers do not have to take over anything. The December deduction will not be withdrawn. If customers normally transfer the advance payment, they can cancel the order for December.

Unfortunately, tenants who bill their landlords for gas or district heating may have to be patient. They do not receive their emergency aid in December, but as a credit with the next utility bill

Change: Pensioners receive a one-time energy allowance

Various energy flat rates have been agreed as part of the relief packages, one of which is due in the last month of the year.

Almost 20 million people in Germany receive a statutory old-age, reduced earning capacity, orphan’s or widow’s pension or pension payments under the Civil Service and Soldiers’ Pensions Act. They can look forward to an energy flat rate of over 300 euros, which will be paid out by December 15th.

The money is transferred automatically and does not have to be requested. Prerequisite for the energy flat rate is a German place of residence.

Attention: Nationwide warning day on December 8th

At 11 a.m. on December 8th, it gets loud for German mobile phone users: A loud signal tone sounds on the smartphone and a warning SMS flashes. This is a disaster drill controlled by the Cell Broadcast system.

Mobile phone users in 294 administrative districts and 107 urban districts received the warning. The exercise is automatic, no app needs to be downloaded.

Changes in December: Winter timetable and new prices at Deutsche Bahn

the Deutsche Bahn publishes its new winter timetable on December 11th. The main change here is the number of journeys and trains.

Thanks to the new high-speed route between Wendlingen and Ulm, not only are more journeys offered, but connections between Cologne and Munich are around 15 minutes faster.

The new ICE 3neo will also be used on the route between Munich, Cologne and Dortmund.

60 percent more seats on the route from Munich to Frankfurt Airport via Ulm and Stuttgart and on the route from Bremen to Cologne via Osnabrück and Münster bring relief for rail customers.

Possible change: institution-related vaccination obligation expires

Since March 2022, the institution-related vaccination obligation for clinics, practices and nursing services has been in force in paragraph 20a of the Infection Protection Act. Since then, all employees have had to provide proof of full corona vaccination. If they cannot do this, fines can be imposed or even a termination be threatened.

This obligation will end automatically at the end of the year if Karl Lauterbach does not take action after all. Since the Minister of Health has been very reluctant so far, the obligation to vaccinate facilities could expire. The reason for the expiry of compulsory vaccination is a comparatively mild course of the current corona variants.

Deadlines in December: Until then, the Christmas mail will be delivered on time

Deutsche Post and DHL have published their deadlines for the Christmas mail to arrive on time:

  • Letters and postcards can still be mailed on December 22 for punctual delivery within Germany.
  • Within Europe, Christmas mail should be sent by December 14th and outside of Europe by December 7th at the latest.
  • For parcels, the deadlines are December 20th for shipping within Germany, December 12th for shipping within Europe and November 29th for shipping outside of Europe

New regulation: Hair removal and cosmetic treatments only with a license

The Federal Office for Radiation Protection has decreed that from December 31st, beauticians may only remove hair and tattoos by laser or IPL if they can present proof of specialist knowledge. This change also applies to all applications with light, ultrasound or high frequency.

The “Ordinance on the protection against harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation when used on humans” of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection also regulates that devices must be registered before they are used for the first time and that documentation and notification are required.

New in December: the ban on firecrackers will be lifted for the most part

This year, the ban on firecrackers will be lifted almost everywhere. After both the sale and the firing of rockets were almost completely banned in the last two years, we can celebrate again this year.

But be careful: In some cities, communities and municipalities, ban zones are set up in which no fireworks may be lit. It is therefore advisable to inform yourself in advance in your municipality.

The change in December primarily affects the sale of firecrackers and rockets, which is no longer prohibited this year.

Regulation in December: Deadline for the voluntary tax return 2022

Anyone who submits a voluntary tax return has four years to do so. This can be submitted for 2018 by December 31, 2022. The tax office still accepts the declaration by post or online via “Elster”.

From December 1st: blocking of expensive special numbers

In the past, scammers called as unknown callers and hung up immediately. Many consumers called back and fell into a cost trap. Because behind the alleged callers there was often an expensive special number with which money could be billed per call.

In this final month of 2022, a new Telephone Protection Act will come into effect, protecting consumers from high calling charges through these phone numbers. These are the special numbers 0900 and 0137, which can cost up to 2 euros per call. These will no longer be passed on from now on.

What will change next year?

Inheritors of real estate have to reckon with a significantly higher inheritance and gift tax of 30 to 40 percent. Find out here what this means for you and how you can do it.

Calculation shows – Massive tax increase for heirs of detached and semi-detached houses

You can read about what has changed in the last few months here.

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