Pensions: “In the Senate, we will assume our responsibilities”, promises Gérard Larcher

Europe 1 with AFP

Gérard Larcher criticized the government for being “rather confused” about the pension reform. According to President LR of the Senate, the “status quo is not possible” and reform is even “indispensable”. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne received the leaders of the Macronist groups in the National Assembly and the Senate. On the agenda for these discussions: future bills on internal security or unemployment insurance. But also on the postponement of the legal retirement age.

“The status quo is not possible” on pension reform, which is “indispensable”, said Senate President LR Gérard Larcher on Thursday, criticizing the government for being “rather confused” on the subject. “We know that the status quo is not possible. Reform is essential,” said Gérard Larcher on France 2.

“The government so far has not committed much”

“The government so far has not committed much, and it is even rather confused,” he said. “We are one week away from tabling the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS), and we still do not know if it will introduce the elements of the pension reform” in this text or “if it is preparing a text ad hoc“. “It is the government that must make the choice, it is he who proposes, he also has the absolute weapon which is called 49-3 vis-à-vis the National Assembly”, has underlined the president of the Senate, dominated by the right-wing opposition.

“In any case in the Senate, we will assume our responsibilities”, promised Gérard Larcher, recalling that the senatorial majority has voted for three years an amendment to the PLFSS to extend working hours. Former Minister of Labour, Gérard Larcher also affirmed that “social dialogue remains an important element”. “I would like to see it in action,” he said, adding that the pension reform is “a life-size test (…) just like the unemployment insurance reform”.

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