Pensions: the left leaves the commission and denounces “scheming”

The Nupes slammed the door of the Social Affairs Committee, a few hours after the rejection of the proposal to repeal the pension reform.

By BL with AFP

The deputies examined, on Wednesday, in committee the proposal to repeal the pension reform. The text was rejected.
© XOSE BOUZAS / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP

Ihe deputies of the left-wing Nupes coalition slammed the door on Wednesday May 31 of the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, accusing the presidential camp of “scheming” to prevent the vote, on June 8 in the hemicycle, of the proposal to repeal the retirement age at 64. “They use all the maneuvers”, was indignant the leader of the LFI group Mathilde Panot, after the president of the commission Fadila Khattabi (Renaissance) dismissed thousands of amendments tabled by the left.

READ ALSOIn committee, the deputies vote against the repeal of the retirement at 64 years

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