Pensions: the unsaid of the reform


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SUNDAY NOTEBOOKS. The project is more virtuous than fair. The right will vote for it, but, to convince the French, Macron and Borne should change their tune.

Through Herve Gattegno

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OIt is wrong to criticize Emmanuel Macron for not having made the pension reform at the start of his first term. This is to forget that he had not included it in his candidate program; by launching the operation by surprise, he would therefore have come up against a deficit of legitimacy – the only deficit which, in France, frightens those in power. Moreover, when he finally gave it a shot, the affair ended in blood sausage.

It is also wrong, moreover, to believe that the Covid epidemic was responsible for the fiasco of 2020. In reality, the first version of the reform, designed by Macron on an idea from the CFDT and shopped by Jean-Paul Delevoye (the famous “retirement by points” with “pivotal age”), was incomprehensible below the level bac + 14 and probably inapplicable. Rai…

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