People and estates say no – factory farming initiative clearly failed with 63 percent – news


The Swiss electorate rejects the factory farming initiative with almost 63 percent.

Factory Farming Initiative

Federal proposal: Popular initiative “No factory farming in Switzerland”

  • YES


  • NO


status votes

  • The mass animal husbandry initiative failed because of the majority of people and estates.
  • Almost 63 percent of those entitled to vote reject the project. Basel-Stadt was the only canton to vote for the initiative.

Only in the half-canton of Basel-Stadt did the request find a majority of around 55 percent. Some big cities also agreed.

Otherwise, however, the initiative had no chance and also clearly failed due to the number of stands. In the end, 25 cantons rejected it, the canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden having the largest number of votes with 78.4 percent, and Geneva the narrowest with 52.7 percent of no votes.

In contrast to the three other templates from Sunday, there was no language or gender divide in the factory farming initiative, at most a not very pronounced or this time not decisive urban-rural divide. The turnout was 51.6 percent.

Political scientist takes stock

Political scientist Lukas Golder tells SRF that there is support for the peasantry, while there is some ecological awakening.

“This time there weren’t as many emotions in the countryside as there was with the pesticide initiative, but there was probably an even more closed peasantry,” Golder continues. On the other side was only the left – somewhat isolated.

You didn’t really manage to mobilize.

Apparently, the problem was not relevant for many, adds the political scientist. Because in the discussion it was often said that Switzerland had the strictest animal protection measures in the world. “You haven’t really managed to solve the problem.”

Sympathy bonus not used

However, the initiators did not succeed in selling the cause, which many people in Switzerland generally perceived as sympathetic, in such a way that they would have been willing to accept disadvantages at the individual level, such as higher prices.

The results of the first voting polls showed that the issue basically enjoys some sympathy. The trend then reversed as the voting date drew nearer. The last polls predicted a no majority of around 60 percent.

Ultimately, the interpretation sovereignty clearly had the opponents led by the Swiss Farmers’ Association. She denied that there was factory farming in Switzerland at all.

The arguments of food security and the already high protection standards in animal husbandry in a global comparison convinced a clear majority in the country.

Opponents warned of farmers dying and losing sovereignty. The initiative is too extreme and unnecessary. Switzerland already has the strictest animal protection law in the world. The bottom line is that if the answer were yes, around 3,300 farms would either have to reduce their animal populations or increase the area.

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