“People claim the name of my child from birth (it is illegal in foreign countries, but we love it)”

A couple originally from Birmingham, England made the decision after giving their children a name they were quite unwilling to listen to. A decision that was made beautifully and on the basis that the parents were confided in the Mirror.

Every year, certain names break records of popularity. If some parents opt for something more original, others are left with the option to order separately. This is the case of Ronni Lily, 27, and her partner Brad, a couple based in Birmingham, England. These last ones will take a little boy on January 20, 2024 and decided to baptize Lucifer.

Questioned by the Mirrorthe parents made it clear that they had decided to choose this name because the mother was pregnant for 16 weeks. The reason? The two lovers were fascinated by the Netflix series titled Lucifer : “We thought it was a very cool name. Of course, we have an awareness of the connotation, but we are not religious”. In effect, Lucifer is allied with the devil. Despite everything, the reality is completely different. Lucifer means “lighthouse” Maybe it is the combination of the Latin “lux” which means “light” and “ferre” which means port.

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Mitigating reactions

After sharing Lucifer’s new birth, the couple find themselves face to face with many villains, even their own family. In effect, Ronni Lily was reborn on Mirror what one of them qualified their decision “d’abomination. And even after a few months, she still refuses to use her name and gives him the surname Luci. Outside the family bullshit, she noted a large number of similar reactions after sharing her decision with social networks: “The parents said that I had taken my son after the devil and that he would then be like him. It’s just plain stupid to give a negative label to a child.

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Unfortunately, the young mother has no intention of being put off by these criticisms. She also received a great deal of supportespecially on behalf of his father who appreciated the originality and courage of his name. Other mothers also admitted that they apparently loved choosing Lucifer for their baby, but that they were rejected by fearful people.

An illegal name in certain countries

If one could wait for Ronni, Lily, and Brad to be having difficulty declaring little Lucifer to the authorities, that wasn’t the case. The couple were not confirmed “no thick lashes or shocked expression” when they registered their child’s name. “I am certain that they understand the names well every day”, explained the mother. But all the same, I am aware that this name could pose other threats to my children. Why? Becausehe was banned in certain countries. New Zealand decided to block it in 2013. Four years later, a German court refused to grant the parents the name. The same thing happened in Iceland in 2020.

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Ronni Lily did some research on the subject and for the moment, She is not sure what this means for Lucifer’s future.I don’t know if he can’t live or travel in these countries because it is simply illegal to be registered with that name. […] I don’t think it will cause problems in the long term, but a second common name that I could use as a gift or a need.


Passionate about feminist and social issues, Allison turns her attention to news reporting for Aufeminin. It offers a wide range of themes to give you the…

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