People endowed with high emotional intelligence have these 11 strange habits (it is surprising)

To have great emotional intelligence with a beneficial impact in all areas of life. This is not, in revenge, spread to the whole world. Are you part of these rare characters? Become familiar with these 11 strange habits to learn.

Theemotional intelligencealso appealing emotional quotient (QE) is an essential element for a healthy and meaningful life. If we have all the variable levels of emotional intelligence, it is possible to develop it throughout our life, especially by learning to develop our empathyà resent deeply things to express ourselves emotions and to pay attention to other people’s cells.

Yes, why is it useful to know more about people through an exceptionally high level of QE: it can enable us to better understand the unique behaviors and habits of these people and, therefore, not to take examples from them. Are you thinking about part of this rare type of individual or are you trying to make it? Fiez-vous à ces 11 strange habits which generally mean that people have a great deal of emotional intelligence.

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1) Strategic procrastination

People at QE are able to find a balance between completing their tasks and procrastination. They save things just enough to allow their subconscious and creative side to find unique ideas and solutions to the problem they are faced with. They don’t wait for the last moment, but they don’t lose their body any more in the first idea that comes to their minds. Like soulful Adam Grant, psychologist: “Procrastination gives you time to examine different ideas, to learn and reflect on the exams, and to incorporate these lessons into your final work”.

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2) The appreciation of ambiguity and uncertainty

Very emotionally intelligent people are able to understand and tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. Many situations, relationships and interactions are indeterminate. They can evolve in one sense or in another, function or shrink. Little imports. Individuals who have learned a new language can accept and even appreciate the nuances and aspects of life. How do we reserve the future and how do we face the difficulties? They are not at all sure. But there is a real lack of knowledge in this area and the aids to becoming more intelligent and sensitive than each other.

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3) Non-verbal reading

Individuals enrolled in the QE have tended to be very stubborn to read the others. They pay particular attention to physical language and non-verbal signals in order to better understand people and to relate to them. They also fontanelle to detect threats and to know whether they are considered friends or enemies in a new or uncertain situation. This can be extremely useful in their personal and professional life, but can surprise or discourage others who are at a point where they intuitively understand the reality of the people around them. “People read, interpret or understand the meanings on the basis of non-verbal indices, of actions and of modes of communication, even without explicit verbal explanation”, explain the site BetterHelp.

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4) Take a break before reacting to a situation

It can be difficult to recognize a person endowed with strong emotional intelligence, because she or he does not necessarily present the external symptoms that one associates with a “sensitive” or “strongly emotional” person. She is not impulsive. On the contrary, it tends to mark a pause before replying or reacting to a situation or a strong emotional conflict. This can sometimes give the impression that they are stoic, even insensitive. In reality, they simply try not to react in an irritable manner or without keeping in mind their feelings and what they mean.

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5) Do micro meditation

People at QE have a tendency to take short breaks throughout the day and to indulge in “micro-meditation” or short meditation sessions. It does this to reset and manage your stress. She concentrates on her breathing and is content to exist in phases with herself, without having to fear imminent challenges, existential questions or problems and dreams of her life. She meditates and rests for a moment on the basis of regular exercise, both physically and emotionally. “A study shows that 5 minutes of meditation is enough to improve heart rate and reduce negative effects,” notes Janis Gioia, professor of meditation and clear conscience.

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6) Emotion management with playlists

People endowed with great emotional intelligence have the habit of using specific playlists to modify or improve their emotional states. If they feel sad and want to associate with this emotion, they will hear the music that stimulates and explores. They plunge into their meaning and their power, instead of suppressing sadness or fear. Even chose for joy, inspiration or color. They launch songs that propel themselves into the stratosphere and give them the impression that they could shock the world.

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7) Anthropomorphize objects

The anthropomorphization of objects is a practice that returns to the night of time and to older cultures. It aims to attribute human characteristics and emotions to non-human things such as animals, objects or natural elements. Emotionally intelligent people explore their emotions and the most profound questions about life in this way, connecting both with themselves and with the world.

8) Connect to the environment and communicate with the

Emotionally intelligent individuals are masters at connecting with their environment and saving perfectly by making profits. It particularly aims to adapt the environment (lights, smells, sounds) to influence humor and productivity. They are able to work with their indoor and outdoor environment to stimulate and improve what they aim to achieve, but also to accommodate new perspectives and new living conditions. What we are talking about is biophilia, which is translated literary as “love of life”. The idea that this fascination and this communion with nature reveals an inherent and biological need to interact with other forms of life such as animals and plants.

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9) Self-imposed limits on social networks

People who have experienced a QE often plunge into their own emotions, their identity and their reality, becoming even more certain that they will live their lives. This implies that certain distractions must be avoided, and one between them is the social networks. They are disciplined and set strict limits on the use of these platforms in order to protect their mental well-being. The effects of social networks are well documented and have a considerable impact on humor and on the way in which people lose their social value. Emotionally intelligent people want to manage their own emotions much more than those seen from the outside through the canvas.

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10) Adopters of non-conventional perspectives and identities

Individuals awarded a QE boost have tended to deliberately put their own viewpoints into question in order to favor greater understanding and greater empathy towards others. “Throughout life and its different phases, there are periods of stability while you live the life you have created,” notes psychologist and ophthalmologist Nina Ahuja. “Periods of stability are subsequent periods of transition, when decisions or circumstances force you to adopt a new way of living in one or more dimensions.” These people are better able to make these periods of transition significant and dynamic, adapting to changes in life and managing their own emotions better.

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11) The Narrative Reclamation

Emotionally very intelligent people have the habit of remembering their notes. They insist that they are the authors of their own scenario. They rewrite their personal records to demonstrate growth and learning across their past experiences. For example, in a situation where a company is overwhelmed, an emotionally intelligent individual will be seen as a winner who has acquired precious knowledge at the top and bottom of company creation. And in addition to being fair to each other, they help other people to read their records in order to become more independent.

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Women’s and children’s rights, violence, feminism, gender, discrimination, parentality, education, psychology, health, couples, sexuality, social networks… Joséphine loves to unravel all the social subjects that animate our world…

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