Percutaneous hydrotomy: what is this unrecognized practice? : Current Woman Le MAG

The Order of Physicians published a report last June on unconventional care practices, pointing out their excesses and proposing various actions to better regulate them. Among these practices, percutaneous hydrotomy. A method that is neither recognized nor taught by medical schools and which consists of “local intradermal injections or subcutaneous infusion of seawater (physiological serum)”, details the College of Physicians. Its inventor, Bernard Guez, was struck off the College of Physicians for promoting this method.

The Order of Physicians of Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica imposed sanctions on 40 doctors, ranging from reprimand to temporary ban on practicing (from 3 months to 3 years). 12 nurses were also sentenced. In making these decisions, the order relied on several studies that “do not make it possible to establish the therapeutic efficacy of the technique known as percutaneous hydrotomy”, a method that is not recognized by any instance “scientifically authoritative”.

Percutaneous hydrotomy: what is it?

Presented by the “International Society of Percutaneous Hydrotomy” as a “diluted mesotherapy”, this method consists of the local intradermal or subcutaneous injection of physiological serum. “It allows the supply of minerals, trace elements and injectable vitamins but also the administration of drugs in accordance with their established use in mesotherapy.”, indicates the “International Society of Percutaneous Hydrotomy”, which notably provides training for health professionals.

L’National Order of Physicians indicates that the supposed indications of this method are very numerous, covering very varied fields: osteoarthritis, migraine, tinnitus, neuralgia, sciatica, carpal tunnel, algodystrophy, fibrosis, stress, pain, SADAM (algo-dysfunctional syndrome of the mandicatory apparatus ), allergic pathologies, colopathy, shingles, cellulite, hair loss, narrowed spinal canal, kidney failure, Crohn’s disease, severe burns, etc.

Percutaneous hydrotomy: a highly controversial practice

In its report, the order of doctors recalls that the DGS, the Independent Scientific Commission, the HAS, the CNP agree that no scientific proof has been provided as to the effectiveness of this technique. “The main risk is to exclude patients with serious pathologies from treatments whose effectiveness has been demonstrated, which can lead to a loss of opportunity or a vital risk for these patients.”, specifies the National Council of the Order of Physicians. He recalls that “doctors owe patients conscientious care based on scientific data (article R.4127-32 CSP). They are prohibited from offering insufficiently proven treatments (article R.4127-14 CSP), the practice of quackery (article R.4127-39 CSP) and from putting patients at unjustified risk (article R.4127-40 CSP). )“.


National Council of the Order of Physicians

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⋙ Didier Raoult sanctioned: he reacts to his reprimand inflicted by the College of Physicians

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