Perpetrator-victim reversal – Why do victims of sexualized violence experience blame? – News


In victim blaming, in German perpetrator-victim reversal, the victim is given partial responsibility for the crime. What are the reasons for this and how can society respond better?

Nina is on her way home when she is approached by a strange man, followed and finally sexually assaulted in her apartment. When she told those closest to her about it, she not only received support: many downplayed the crime, saying it was only a matter of time before this would happen to her, she says.

In the beginning it was almost more difficult for me to deal with this breach of trust than with the act itself.

According to Corina Elmer, manager of the women’s counseling center for sexual violence, such experiences slow down the recovery process. There is a kind of self-protection behind victim blaming: “It gives people the feeling that they are in control and that it cannot happen to them if they behave or dress differently.”


Nina talks about her experience with victim blaming.


One should acknowledge the situation of the victim and not question the person concerned.

Woman with a serious look


“After you have already experienced violence, victim blaming is actually a second assault,” says Corina Elmer, women’s counseling center on sexual violence.


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