Persian, Maine Coon, Siamese… What are the most confident cat breeds?

European, cross, Maine Coon, Sacr de Burma, Persian or even Siamese are the most insured cats in France according to the MoneyVox Market Intelligence tool, which analyzes the database of the broker Meilleurtaux.

Barely more than 5% of the 21 million domesticated cats and dogs in France are insured. Thanks to the MoneyVox Market Intelligence tool, which analyzes the database of the broker Meilleurtaux, we have deciphered the contracts offered on more than a million quotes made since the start of the year. As a result, we were able to list the ten most insured cat breeds and give the average amount of the monthly contribution paid by owners.

For cats, European and Crois occupy a large place in research ahead of the Maine Coon, the Birman, the Persian and the Siamese. In the Top 10 below, the breeds mentioned represent a large part of the market, more than 80% precisely. To insure these charming balls of fur, the price is between 13 and 16 euros, which corresponds to the co formula.

BreedAverage premium amount
per month
European 14.17 euros
Believe 2.85 euros
Maine Coon14.83 euros
Sacr of Burma13.37 euros
Persian15.16 euros
Siamese13.95 euros
Bengal13.78 euros
Chartreux13.29 euros
Ragdoll14.06 euros
Abyssinian13.81 euros

Source: MoneyVox Market Intelligence – October 18

Indeed, the price varies mainly depending on the type of contract selected, the breed and the age of the animal. The different insurers offer a low, medium and premium offer. For cats, the average prices are slightly lower than those for dogs: 14.21 euros, 23.12 euros, 38.27 euros. The co package is favored by 22% of information seekers, the medium by 45% and the premium by 32%.

Protect your companion thanks to our animal insurance comparator

In form, the contract is simple: you have to choose an annual reimbursement amount and a more or less wide range of treatments covered, according to a percentage.

Dog and cat insurance: how to choose and what price?

According to the annual SantVet/Ipsos study, health costs cost on average 275 euros per year for dog owners and 158 euros per year for cat owners, out of a total annual expenditure (food, health, etc.) of 584 and 429 euros per year.

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