persistent blockage between the State and the Ile-de-France region

The Ile-de-France region chaired by Valérie Pécresse (LR) asked the State to review its copy in terms of housing and accommodation planning, after the State’s reservations on a provision aimed at limit social housing in municipalities that are already well-endowed.

Meeting on Wednesday in a permanent committee, the regional council issued an unfavorable opinion on the draft regional housing and accommodation plan (SRHH), it explains in a press release.

This coordination document must be compatible with the Master Plan for the Ile-de-France region (SDRIF-E), which provides in its initial version, adopted in July 2023, a so-called anti-ghetto clause aimed at curbing the production of social housing in the municipalities of Ile-de-France which already have at least 30%.

On the SRHH, the region held by the right asks the State to revise the objective of 35% of very social housing in the total production of social housing and reduce it to 30% maximum.

After the riots at the beginning of last summer, Ile-de-France more than ever needs real diversity and not adding misery to misery, justifies the region, which judges the housing production objectives and of social housing imposed by the SRHH (…) untenable for many territories.

For its part, the regional prefecture issued a favorable opinion on the Sdrif project in mid-December, but with some reservations on the part of the State.

Among these, the implementation of this anti-ghetto clause requires changes so as not to generally slow down the creation of social housing.

The prefecture also considers that the Sdrif-E does not make it possible in its current state to ensure the objective of constructing 70,000 housing units per year (…) and the creation of a sufficient number of social housing units, particularly in certain deficit municipalities with regard to the SRU law, which imposes 25% social housing.

In June 2023, the prefecture had already asked the region to review this clause, estimating that its application would lead to a 21% reduction in average social production compared to recent years.

The Sdrif-E must be the subject of a public inquiry from Thursday to March 16, before final adoption planned for July.

source site-96