Persona 6 on Switch and Xbox? It’s up to you to decide

Will the famous series make its big debut on Xbox with Persona 6? ATLUS is leaving the door wide open and asking gamers directly for release on Switch and Xbox.

It’s the sweet dream of some players: to see Persona 5 arrive on Nintendo’s hybrid console. ATLUS still seems undecided and Xbox and Switch gamers may miss out on Joker’s adventures. Windows Central has indeed noticed that the publisher has published a new survey to gauge the interest of a release of Persona 6 on these consoles.

Persona 6 on Xbox Series and Nintendo Switch?

This is not the first time that ATLUS has carried out such a questionnaire. However, he rarely asks Western players about the subject, even if only the North American territory was concerned. In the middle of this long survey, question 38 specifically asks if the “ next numbered game in the series », so Persona 6, should be released on Nintendo Switch and Xbox. Spoiler alert, the answer is yes! Unfortunately, PC is still not an answer option.

What about possible ports of Persona 5 Royal on these consoles? Still no indication on the subject and the game was not mentioned in the survey. All hope is not lost and with the arrival of the Summer Game Fest the wildest expectations are permitted. Given the colossal critical success of Persona 5, it would be a shame not to share it with everyone and deprive yourself of a juicy console fleet.

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