Personality test: Choose a lucky charm and find out what special things await you in 2023

personality test
Choose a lucky charm and find out what awaits you in 2023

Personality test: Which lucky charm do you choose?


Would you like to find out how you can develop personally in the new year? With this test you will learn more about yourself and your special qualities.

Giving away lucky charms for the New Year is a tradition for many people. But behind each one there is a special meaning. That’s why it can reveal a lot about us, which one we choose. Do you tend towards the lucky pig, horseshoe, chimney sweep or shamrock?

Which lucky charm do you choose?

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Which of the four do you choose? In the video we break down what that reveals about your strengths. We also reveal how this may affect you, your character, and your personal development in the year ahead.


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