Personality Test: This is what a forehead can often reveal about character

personality test
That’s what a forehead can often reveal about our personality

What shape is your forehead? Find out what this can possibly reveal about you.


According to a personality test, who we are can often be read from our foreheads. In the video we show you your special characteristics.

The color of our eyes, our posture, and our taste can reveal a lot about us and our character. But according to a personality test, the shape of the forehead should also often provide information about who you are and what makes you tick. So the saying “you can read your mood from your forehead” seems to have some truth to it.

What shape is your forehead?


Look closely at this picture and decide which shape is most similar to yours. Watch the video to see what it might say about you. Motivational talent or rather organizational genius? Find out here!


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