Personality test: What the length of your pinky reveals about you

personality test
This is what the length of your pinky reveals about your character

How long is your pinky compared to your ring finger?

Feeling, grasping and touching: With our sense of touch, we perceive the world in a unique way every day. No wonder our hands can often reveal a lot about us. In many cases, for example, you can tell from the length of your little finger whether you have a rather calm or emotional character.

We not only carry our loved ones on our hands, but our hands carry us through everyday life. You work with them, you use them to reach for whatever you need, and you feel with them. But as if that weren’t enough, they also often say a lot about us. And that doesn’t mean the hands shaped by work, the shape can also have a great significance.

How long is your pinky relative to your ring finger?


The length of your pinky can reveal a lot about your personality. Are you calm, confident, emotional or purposeful? All of this often reveals the relationship of the little finger to the ring finger. Take a close look at your hand and learn more about yourself in the video.

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