Peter Klein: Statement after the cheating scandal makes you sit up and take notice

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Statement after the cheating scandal makes you sit up and take notice

Peter and Iris Klein

© Future Image / imago images

Is Peter Klein happy to be home again soon? In the last few days, his wife Iris Klein has made serious accusations of cheating on him, and she has even packed her things. Peter is now on his return journey from Australia to Mallorca – and he doesn’t really want to look the seriousness of the situation in the eye just yet…

Turbulent days lie behind Peter Klein. After his wife Iris Klein, 55, publicly accused him of cheating on her in Australia with Yvonne Woelke, 41, jungle camp companion of Djamila Rowes, 55, a dispute broke out that caused the popular RTL show “I’m a Star – get me out of here!” now almost overshadowed.

Iris Klein accuses her husband of infidelity

While Iris Klein does not hide her disappointment and regularly gives her fans an insight into her emotional world, husband Peter has been holding back until now. So he denied the statements of his Iris to RTL shortly after the rumors of the affair became known and asserted: “I have not cheated on anyone, I have never cheated on my wife and I have no intention of doing that The press finds out and you are asked again and again about this topic, of course it hurts extremely, it hurts like hell.”

Peter Klein flies home

After the big jungle camp finale on Sunday, January 29, 2023, Peter Klein now has to say goodbye to Australia and the Versace Hotel – he’s going home to save his marriage. But Klein doesn’t seem to have fully grasped the explosive nature of the situation. While he speaks of a “moving time” in his last Instagram greeting from the luxury hotel and indicates that “many unexpected things have happened”, he is relaxed and relaxed at the airport.

At a gala

Strolling to boarding with his son-in-law Lucas Cordalis, 55, he lets his fans know he’s hoping to get lucky and get wifi on the plane. Lucas comments on this with the pointed words: “We hope that you are lucky at home!” A statement that makes Peter smile and hug. “Yeah… I hope so too,” he stammers. It seems to be much more important to him at this moment to be able to answer his fans’ questions – “it’s itching under his fingers now”. A reaction that Iris Klein will probably not like at all.

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