Pets in the heat: 5 tips for dogs and cats

pets in the heat
Take your pets out of the heat with these 5 tips

When it is hot, it is also important for animals to drink enough water.

Temperatures above 30 degrees are not only a problem for us humans. Even our pets suffer when it’s hot. You can easily cool them down with these helpful tips.

In the summer months, the thermometer likes to climb above the 30-degree mark here, too. This can make everyday life quite difficult – we quickly feel tired and listless and are less efficient.

Pets in the heat: 5 tips when it gets over 30°

The enormous heat not only affects us humans, but also most animals. While we can withdraw and cool off on our own, our fluffy companions are mostly dependent on our help. So that they don’t suffer from the high temperatures, we show you in the video tips on how to cool your pets down – and get them through the summer without any problems.

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