Phébé – Intelligent men have more children

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Cognitive sciences According to two demographers, who have studied the Swedish case, there is a strong correlation between intelligence quotient and fertility in the male population.

In particular, Kolk and Barclay observe that compared to average individuals (IQ a 100), the least intelligent group (IQ < 76) has 0.56 fewer children, while the most cognitively advantaged (IQ > 126) have 0.09 more.  Furthermore, men in the IQ range of 81 to 89 have 0.12 fewer children than the median group (IQ between 96 and 104), while men in the 111 to 119 range have 0.06 fewer children. more.” title=”In particular, Kolk and Barclay observe that compared to average individuals (IQ a 100), the least intelligent group (IQ < 76) has 0.56 fewer children, while the most cognitively advantaged (IQ > 126) have 0.09 more.  Furthermore, men in the IQ range of 81 to 89 have 0.12 fewer children than the median group (IQ between 96 and 104), while men in the 111 to 119 range have 0.06 fewer children. more.”/></div><figcaption class=

In particular, Kolk and Barclay observe that compared to average individuals (IQ at 100), the group with the least intelligence (IQ < 76) has 0.56 fewer children, while the most cognitively advantaged (IQ > 126) have 0.09 more. Furthermore, men in the IQ range of 81 to 89 have 0.12 fewer children than the median group (IQ between 96 and 104), while men in the 111 to 119 range have 0.06 fewer children. more.
© Snark Archive / Photo12

By Peggy Sastre*

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