“phenomenal”, “iconical”… The semi-finale begins with a theatrical coup

The semi-finale of Mask Singer 2024 begins on the wheel. The arrival of a mysterious investigator provoked a theatrical coup at the start of the broadcast.

It’s part of the semi-final of Mask Singer 2024 ! The broadcast on Saturday 15 June was chosen for the theme of the 80s. For the occasion, Camille Combal opted for a costume of Marty McFly, the iconic character of Back to the future. Exceptionally scattered Saturdays and not Fridays in the run-up to Euro 2024, the first sighting will take place on the Hippopotamus, the Pearl, the Epcot and the Leopard after the elimination of the Geisha Murai (which has been a great success for internet users). the last week).

It seems that three final places and a mysterious investigator have joined the jury to determine who is hiding under the different costumes of the TF1 programme. It is the Avatar who interpreted If I was a man by Diane Tell to start the evening. Et Chantal Ladesou once again reigned

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Chantal Ladesou’s festival in Mask Singer

In the final quarters, a gaffe by the actress beautifully disturbs the television viewers. This Saturday, she has no plans to entertain the gallery. Upon the arrival of Avatar on the coast plateau of Camille Combal, Chantal Ladesou wrote: “is that what I can do?”. Laurent Ruquier was shocked: “We do not see who this is”. No magnet or song has even started playing. But the investigator insists: “I saw his approach”.

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The comedian then calls Maître Moya, the judge charged with determining whether he will give a good answer and agree to the points, and begins to flirt with him. But it’s a cheque. It does not say anything Jean-Luc Reichmann as she thought. On the screen, the comments were unanimous: “She is simply iconic”, “Without her, this would not be a match”, “What phenomenon”… But what actually happened under the Avatar costume ?

The Avatar has responded to Internet users

Thanks to the data, the investigators have suspected the actor Vincent Desagnat to invite your friends, after they appear longer in the gherkin season. The actor is revved up and takes his place to try to convince those who are the last four candidates for victory in Mask Singer. A lovely surprise for certain: “I am quite happy to see Vincent, he is really amused in the cornichon and he was quite happy to take part in the mission, he was quite eliminated because it is nice that he returns as an investigator, they already have to do with Francis Huster”, “would like to see if Vincent would be a good investigator”…

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Others regret not seeing a new character, or not seeing a personality of the 80s to better match the theme of the evening. After Gloria Gaynor and Natalie Imbruglia or even Ladybug, the characters surprised everyone this year on the first chain. Who will be sacred, great and lovely? Reply next week…

Editor for Aufeminin since 2022, Charlotte is a passionate about film, French and international, and a reader of good adventures. Curious of all, she speaks exclusively about characters such as…

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