Phil Spencer accuses Sony of wanting to grow by making Microsoft weaker

The TV series Activision-Blizzard reignited palpable tensions between sony and Microsoft, so that not a week goes by without one of the two giants accusing the other of wanting to dominate the market. Things sped up last week with the FTC’s astonishing decision to sue Microsoft to possibly block the takeover, which puts a thorn in the side of the teams. Phil Spencer. And that thorn, it may largely come from Sony, which no doubt had a hand in the FTC’s decision. Spencer continues to remind the world of this by wanting to show that Sony is the only player in the industry who does not want this takeover.

Decrease others to appear stronger?

The war of words continues unabated. In an interview for the Second Request podcast (relayed by VGC), Phil Spencer did not hesitate to drop a short statement on Sony’s attitude, which is ” a major opponent of the takeover » :

Sony is trying to protect its dominance in the console market. The way they want to rude is to make the Xbox weaker. Sony has a very different vision of the industry from ours. They do not publish their games at the same time on consoles and PC, they do not directly launch their games in their subscription […] Sony directs dialogue on why deal shouldn’t go ahead to protect its dominant position in the console marketso the thing they’re clinging to is Call of Duty. »

This should not calm the tensions, even if it is not the first time that Spencer expresses this point of view. Expect other twists in this affair which has only just begun.

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