Philippe Martinez calls for two days of mobilization in September

A first day of mobilization for health actors will be held on September 22, while a second, on September 29, will concern all professions.

The national secretary of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, sets the tone for the start of the school year. “Wage disputes started long before the holidays“, he recalls this Wednesday on BFM-TV. New actions will be carried out in September, with a first day of mobilization on September 22 for the health sector. Philippe Martinez denounces a “lack of staff, attractiveness of professions and a lack of jobs“.

Another day of interprofessional strike will be held on September 29, around the theme of wages. The national secretary recalls, moreover, that all the trade union centers (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFTC, CFE-CGC, FSU Solidaires and Unsa) had signed a common text in mid-July, to signify their demands before the examination of the project. purchasing power law. “It’s rare” and “worth unclogging your ears“, he mentions without quoting the government.

About the “future sacrifice“, Mentioned by Emmanuel Macron, Philippe Martinez regrets this formulation:”It’s very out of place, I’m thinking of the millions of unemployed, precarious, especially women and smicards.“He agrees,”yes, times are tough for many French men and women” but “do you think times are tough for Total shareholders?” According to him, “we must tackle these social inequalities“.

Philippe Martinez also specifies that it is necessary “combine social emergency and climate emergency“. He points out that “for five years, little has been done in relation to the climate“. The National Secretary refers to the “relocation” and “industrialization“, but regrets”that these messages are not heardby the executive.

SEE ALSO – Elisabeth Borne “has a very negative balance sheet”, according to Philippe Martinez

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